July 13, 2020
#2332: Cursed Chair explain

[Beret Guy and Cueball are talking.]
Beret Guy: Remember how I bought my desk chair from that mysterious shop?
Cueball: I think so?
Beret Guy: Turns out the chair was cursed.
[Beret Guy and Cueball are still talking. Beret Guy has his palms out.]
Beret Guy: So I went back to return it, but the shop was gone! The door was boarded up!
Cueball: I think most of the shops are closed because of coronavirus.
[Beret Guy has his hands over his mouth in shock.]
Beret Guy: Oh no!
Beret Guy: The curse must have caused the pandemic!
Cueball (off-panel): What.
[Beret Guy starts running with a raised sword in a frameless panel. Cueball is next to him.]
Beret Guy: If I destroy the chair, we can stop the virus!
Cueball: What.
[Beret Guy is chasing a floating desk chair. Cueball is watching. The desk chair speaks with white-on-black text.]
Beret Guy: Die, plague-bringer!
Desk chair: Hee hee I can not die
Cueball: Maybe you should just shop at IKEA.