May 11, 2020
#2305: Coronavirus Polling explain

[A panel only with text. At the top there is three paragraphs of explanatory text. Below that is a paragraph in smaller gray font with link to sources. Below that there are two columns of poll results, each with a heading. There are six polls in the left and seven polls in the right column. Instead of a bulleted list, each poll has its percent that agrees given to the left of the statement, which is thus aligned to the right of this percentage. At the end of each statement there is a reference in brackets in gray font.]
It’s hard to get people to agree on anything in polls.
But we agree about the coronavirus.
Here’s how Americans feel about COVID-19, along with other topics that get similar levels of agreement for comparison.
Compiled with help from HuffPost polling editor Ariel Edwards-Levy. Sources:
[Left column:]
Recent coronavirus polls
86% say “stay-at-home orders are responsible government policies that are saving lives” rather than “an over-reaction” (ABC/Ipsos)
85% oppose reopening schools (NPR/Marist)
91% oppose resuming big sporting events (NPR/M.)
85% trust local health officials and health care workers (Axios/Ipsos)
93% are trying to maintain 6-foot distances while in public (Axios/Ipsos)
81% say Americans should continue to social distance for as long as is needed to stop the Coronavirus even if it means continued damage to the economy (Politico/Morning Consult)
[Right column:]
Other polls
81% enjoy apple pie (HuffPost/YouGov)
76% feel positively about kittens (HuffPost/YouGov)
84% have a favorable impression of Tom Hanks (Ipsos 2018)
89% say fair elections are important to democracy (Pew)
86% feel positively toward Betty White (Ipsos 2011)
86% do not trust Kim Jong-Un to do the right thing (Pew 2019)
64% are concerned about the emergence of “murder hornets” (YouGov)