March 16, 2020
#2281: Coronavirus Research explain

[A very disheveled Megan, hair in disorder, walks up to Cueball.]
Megan: Hi.
Cueball: Hello. You look…fine.
[In a frame-less panel Megan has stopped next to Cueball.]
Megan: I have now read virtually every available scientific paper on COVID-19.
Cueball: Cool, what’d you learn?
[Megan has raised her palms towards Cueball.]
Megan: Well it seems this virus wants to get inside your cells.
Cueball: Mhmm…
[Megan raises her left arm, with her index finger in the air in front of Cueball’s face.]
Megan: But it’s a trap! You shouldn’t let it.
Cueball: I think we knew that.
Megan: But now I know it with error bars!