November 2, 2020
#2380: Election Impact Score Sheet explain

Do you know anyone in Arizona?
Research shows that reminders from friends and family to vote have a bigger effect on turnout than anything campaigns do.
One of the best ways you can help is to scroll through your contacts (or use apps like VoteWithMe) to find people you can check in with to see if they plan to vote or need help doing it.
This chart lets you tally the effect of your reminders on the outcome based on who you’ve contacted and where they live.
Election impact score sheet
{| class = “wikitable”
! State
! Check-ins
! Bonus*
! Points
|AlaskaMontanaNew Mexico
|WisconsinMinnesotaIowaNorth CarolinaNew HampshireGeorgiaNebraska
|All other states
| colspan=“3” align=“right” | Your election impact:
*Multiplier based on 538 presidential vote impact, plus points for senate and local elections
In smaller text, to the right of the main score sheet, a duplicate of the score sheet with red tally marks and points is shown
{| class = “wikitable”
! State
! Check-ins
! Bonus*
! Points
| (2 tally marks)
| 10
| (1 tally mark)
| 4
|AlaskaMontanaNew Mexico
| (1 tally mark)
| 3
|WisconsinMinnesotaIowaNorth CarolinaNew HampshireGeorgiaNebraska
| (3 tally marks)
| 6
|All other states
| (6 tally marks)
| 3
| colspan=“3” align=“right” | Your election impact:
Followed by an arrow, pointing to the “Your election impact” total box in the main table, is this text
Based on turnout experiments, 10 points on this scale has roughly as much effect on the outcome as one average vote.For every 10 points you tally, it’s as if you voted again!
Below the main score sheet table
[Click for printable version]
Share a pic of your score sheet with #Hashtag, and be sure to send a copy to Nate Silver to let him know to include those extra votes in his model!