October 21, 2020
#2375: Worst Ladder explain
![[Six months later] "Well, our 'worst ladder' subscription series was a surprisingly lucrative success, but was completely canceled out by the losses from the disastrous Home Depot merchandising tie-in." Worst Ladder](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/worst_ladder.png)
[Ponytail, Cueball, Hairy and Hairbun are sitting around a boardroom table. Megan is giving a presentation and pointing to a chart behind her.]
Megan: Our entertainment division is failing. We can’t compete with free content.
[A frameless panel. Only Megan is shown, with her pointer to her side.]
Off-panel voice: Where are they going? YouTube? TikTok?
Megan: No.
[Zoomed in on Megan.]
Megan: The Google Images search results for worst ladder.
Off-panel voice: Huh?
Off-panel voice: Let me see …
[Ponytail and Cueball are looking at one laptop, and Hairy and Hairbun are looking at a second. Megan has her arms out in front of her, frustrated.]
Ponytail: Yikes, look at this one! The stepladder is balanced on –
Hairy: Wow, they tied a ladder to –
Hairbun: Ooh, check out the –
Megan: No!