January 1, 2020
#2249: I Love the 20s explain

[Megan walks in from the left greeting Cueball, White Hat, and Ponytail standing next to each other, the last two looking in her direction.]
Megan: Happy new decade!
Ponytail: Welcome to the ’20s!
White Hat: Actually—
Ponytail: I’m excited we can name decades again.
Ponytail: “Aughts” and “teens” never caught on.
[Megan stops next to Cueball as White Hat has his finger raised.]
White Hat: Actually, the new decade doesn’t start-
Ponytail: Mostly, I’m just glad we can go back to attributing cultural trends to decades instead of generations.
[All four just stand normal.]
Cueball: Yeah.
Cueball: Decades were silly, but making everything about “millennials” turned out to be even worse.
Ponytail: Seriously.
[Only White Hat and Ponytail are shown, both with their arms held out to the sides, with White Hats’s arms more relaxed than Ponytail’s.]
White Hat: It’s technically not a new decade until 2021.
Ponytail: OK, listen.
Ponytail: If you’re going to be pedantic, you should at least be right.
White Hat: I am right!
Ponytail: You’re not.
[Zoom in on White Hat and Ponytail’s upper bodies as they gesture towards each other both raising their hands, palm up. Megan interrupts them from off-panel, as made clear in the next panel. Her voice comes out of a starburst on the left panel frame.]
White Hat: See, the 20th century didn’t start until–
Ponytail: But decades aren’t centuries. They’re not cardinally numbered.
White Hat: You don’t get it. Let me draw a–
Ponytail: No, you don’t–
Megan (off-panel): Stop!
[All four characters are displayed again. Megan has raised a finger and all the others look at her.]
Megan: I can resolve this.
Megan: *Ahem*
Megan: MC Hammer’s U Can’t Touch This (1990) was featured in I Love the ’90s, not *** ’80s***.
Ponytail: …That settles that.
White Hat: Yeah, I accept VH1’s authority.
White Hat: You win.