September 13, 2019
#2202: Earth-Like Exoplanet explain

[Side view of Megan standing behind a lectern, speaking to an off-panel audience in front of her. Two people from the audience react to her statement.]
Megan: We’ve discovered the most earth-like exoplanet yet!
Off-panel voices: Yay!!
[Front view of Megan behind lectern:]
Megan: Well, it’s in the habitable zone. Habitable-ish. “Habitable.”
Megan: The survivable zone.
[In a frameless panel with the same setting as before, Megan holds her left hand out with palm up.]
Megan: It’s tidally locked. And blasted with stellar flares. And probably meteors. And bathed in acid.
[Closeup side view of Megan, now holding up a finger on her left hand. Again an unseen audience member replies.]
Megan: But we’ve detected water vapor! In between all the swinging blades.
Off-panel voice: I see.
Megan: We’re hoping to find biosignatures in the form of screaming.