August 30, 2019
#2196: Nice To E-Meet You explain

[Cueball is sitting at his desk on an office chair, while typing at his laptop. The line he is writing on the computer is shown with white text in a black box up at the top of the panel while his thoughts shown in a thought bubble with small bubbles going to it from his head.]
Text: Nice to meet you!
Cueball [thinking]: That sounds weird; we’re not actually meeting in person.
Laptop: Type type
Laptop: Delete delete
[Same setting:]
Text: Nice to e-meet you!
Cueball [thinking]: What is this, a 1995 cyberpunk novel?
Laptop: Type type
Laptop: Delete
[Cueball stops typing and leans back resting an arm on the back of the chair while looking at laptop, no black box shown.]
Cueball [thinking]: OK.
Cueball [thinking]: Chill.
Cueball [thinking]: Just be normal.
[Cueball resumes typing a much longer text in two black boxes, one large with five lines of text, and a small below with one line.]
Text: It’s weird to think that the words I’m typing will be projected onto your retinas. It’s like my hands are touching your eyes.
Text: Anyway, hi.
Cueball [thinking]: Nailed it.
Laptop: Type type