July 17, 2019
#2177: Gastroenterology explain

[The first five panels appear in a single row.]
[Ponytail, wearing a lab coat, and a guy wearing a scrubs hat rush in from the right side of the panel. Ponytail is holding a water bottle. There is a desk on the left of the panel with two jars.]
Hat guy: Hurry, they’re right behind us!
[Zoom in on Ponytail, behind the desk, pouring the two smaller jars into the water bottle.]
An arrow points to the left jar: Probiotic
An arrow points to the right jar: Antibiotic
[A borderless panel. Zoom out on Ponytail shaking the water bottle to mix the two substances.]
Shake Shake Shake
[Ponytail throws the water bottle toward the right side of the panel, at something off-screen.]
[Hat guy and Ponytail run toward the left side of the panel, as the water bottle explodes.]
[The last panel is the only panel in its row, appearing at the far right end of the row and slightly narrower than the fifth panel above it.]
[Megan and Ponytail sitting at a table, facing each other, having a meal.]
Megan: So what’s gastroenterology like?
Ponytail: Pretty boring. Lotta paperwork.