July 15, 2019
#2176: How Hacking Works explain

[Two panels with a caption below each panel:]
[Three masked characters standing near a desk with a computer inside a home. One of the masked characters is holding a notebook.]
Masked Character 1 [holding a walkie-talkie]: Control, we have flown to the USA and breached the target’s house.
Masked Character 2: They wrote all their passwords in a book labeled “Passwords”!
Masked Character 3: The fool!
[Caption below the panel:]
How people think hacking works
[Two Cueball-like characters, each sitting on opposite sides of a single desk with laptops in front of them]
Cueball 1: Hey look, someone leaked the emails and passwords from the Smash Mouth message boards.
Cueball 2: Cool, let’s try them all on Venmo.
[Caption below the panel:]
How it actually works