July 10, 2019
#2174: First News Memory explain

[Ponytail, Cueball, Megan, Hairy, White Hat, Black Hat and Hairbun are all at a party, discussing their earliest news memories.]
[Panel with Ponytail, Cueball, Megan, and Hairy]
Ponytail: What’s your first news memory?
Cueball: I always like this question! Mine was the 1988 election.
Megan: Berlin wall for me. You?
[Frame-less panel with Megan, Hairy, White Hat, and Black Hat]
Hairy: Watching the Challenger launch in class. We were so excited; everyone was horrified when it blew up.
Hairy: It was 1995.
Hairy: Our teacher got fired soon after.
[Panel with Hairy, White Hat, Black Hat, and Hairbun]
White Hat: Mine’s the 2016 election.
Hairbun: …aren’t you in your 30’s?
White Hat: Look, we’re not all great about keeping up with the news, OK?
[Panel with White Hat, Black Hat, and Hairbun]
Black Hat: My first memory is when we landed on the moon.
Black Hat: My second memory is my mom telling us we were moving to Earth instead, to blend in with the humans.
Hairbun: This explains a lot.