June 28, 2019
#2169: Predictive Models explain
![WE WILL ARREST THE REVOLUTION MEMBERS [AT THE JULY 28TH MEETING][tab] "Cancel the meeting! Our cover is blown." Predictive Models](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/predictive_models.png)
[Cueball is sitting in an office chair at a desk typing on a laptop. Above him is the text he writes along with what the predictive text tool suggests, the latter in grey text. The TAB at the end is in a small frame.]
Cueball typing: Long live the revolution. Our next meeting will be at| the docks at midnight on June 28 [tab]
Cueball: Aha, found them!
[Caption below the panel:]
When you train predictive models on input from your users, it can leak information in unexpected ways.