March 15, 2019
#2124: Space Mission Hearing explain

[Megan and Ponytail are standing and talking.]
Ponytail: All ready for the hearing? Let’s go over things one more time.
Ponytail: *ahem*
Ponytail: What is the main reason to fund this mission?
[Close-up of Megan.]
Megan: It will significantly advance out long-term goal of better understanding the formation and evolution of the Solar System, while fulfulling our mandate to develop a new generation of interplanetary spacecraft.
Ponytail (off-panel): Great.
[Megan and Ponytail are standing and talking. Megan’s arms are raised.]
Megan: And because it’s space!
Megan: Spaaaaaace.
Megan: Pew pew pew!
Megan: Space!
Ponytail: Dial it back.