November 20, 2019
#2231: The Time Before and After Land explain

[Caption at top of panel:]
(Timeline not to scale)
[A timeline is shown with two endpoints and five other points. The points are labeled:]
Big Bang
Rocky planets form
Earth forms
Ground-nesting bees evolve
The Land Before Time
Thymus genus diverges
[Below the timeline are five overlapping time periods in three rows. The text is between two thick black bars. The time periods all start and end at two different points.]
[Big Bang to Rocky Planets Form:]
The Time Before Land
[Big Bang to Ground-Nesting Bees Evolve:]
The Time Before bees
[Rocky Planets Form to Thymus Genus Diverges:]
The Land Before Thyme
[Ground-Nesting Bees evolve to Now:]
Time for Land Bees!
[Thymus Genus Diverges to Now:]
Bees Land on Thyme