January 4, 2019
#2094: Short Selling explain

[Cueball and Ponytail are walking together, talking.]
Cueball: I don’t understand shorting stocks.
Ponytail: It’s like when you promise your firstborn to a witch for five magic beans.
[Ponytail close up]
Cueball (off-panel): Is that a common–
Ponytail: She’s a sucker, right? You know your awful kid will be worth one or two beans at best.
[Ponytail and Cueball stopped, facing each other]
Ponytail: But then it turns out you love your kid, a love worth 200 beans! You can’t afford that loss!
Ponytail: There’s only one way out:
Ponytail: You gotta fight the witch.
[Ponytail and Cueball stopped, facing each other]
Ponytail: So you send your kid up the beanstalk to battle the giant, who represents interest rates.
Cueball: This analogy is getting less helpful by the minute.
Ponytail: If only you’d somehow shorted my wisdom before you asked.