January 23, 2019
#2102: Internet Archive explain

[Ponytail and Cueball are walking to the right.]
Ponytail: The Internet Archive is so weird. If it didn’t exist, it would sound totally implausible.
Cueball: Seriously.
[Ponytail and Cueball continue walking to the right.]
Cueball: Do you ever worry about how reliant we are on systems that someone happens to maintain for some reason but which could disappear at any time?
[Ponytail and Cueball are seen in silhouette from a distance.]
Ponytail: Yeah - the same thing freaks me out about having a body.
Cueball: I know, right?? I don’t even know what half these parts do!
Ponytail: And yet if they stop, we die!
Cueball: Probably best not to think about it.