June 29, 2018
#2013: Rock explain

[Cueball and Megan are looking at a rock that Megan is holding up in one hand.]
Megan: This rock erupted from a volcano near the South Pole when the world was frozen over, just before multicellular life arose.
[Zoom out reveals that Cueball and Megan are standing on the beach of a bay with hills in the background. The water surface is quite flat without any waves. Megan throws the rock which skips 5 times across the water before it sinks.]
Stone: Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip Plunk
[Zoom back on Cueball and Megan who are still looking in the direction she threw the stone.]
Megan: Now it’ll be covered in sediment that becomes a new rock layer. It will likely stay buried until it melts down, erodes away, or the earth is consumed by the sun.
[Cueball and Megan still looking the same way.]
Cueball: Today was a weird day in its incredibly long life.
Megan: Five brief skips, then eons of darkness.
Cueball: Five is a lot, though!
Megan: It was a good throw.