June 11, 2018
#2005: Attention Span explain

[Cueball and Megan are standing together.]
Cueball: I haven’t read any books in forever. I have no attention span anymore.
[Zoom in on the faces of Cueball and Megan.]
Megan: Didn’t you literally just spend six hours obsessively reading about the theory that Thomas the Tank Engine is authoritarian propaganda depicting a post-apocalyptic fascist dystopia?
[Cueball still standing there. Megan begins pacing away.]
Cueball: OK
Cueball: I mean I have no attention span for anything good anymore.
Megan: Let’s check out your bookshelf, shall we?
[Cueball alone.]
Cueball: What are you-
Off-panel: I see a dragon holding a sword in its teeth on the cover of a book that’s thicker than it is wide.
Cueball: And? That’s a classic!
Off-panel: Just saying, I don’t think this is a new development.