May 23, 2018
#1997: Business Update explain

[Beret Guy, Ponytail, Hairy, Hairbun and Megan sit around a table, left to right. Beret Guy and Megan are sitting on chairs at the ends. All others are behind the table with no visible chairs. All characters face Beret Guy.]
Beret Guy: Quarterly reports are looking good.
Beret Guy: Our office is full of cash, we’re producing stocks faster than ever before, and our customers are experiencing rapid growth.
Beret Guy: Any updates?
[Closeup on Ponytail, facing left.]
Ponytail: Bad news: many of our assets were liquidated this morning due to a thermostat glitch.
Ponytail: Good news: the sink in the kitchen has stopped producing original content.
[Same as panel one, but characters are facing Megan.]
Beret Guy: How are our finances?
Megan: Our biggest source of revenue is our ongoing project to transmute lead into gold.
Megan: Our biggest expense is our project to transmute it back.
[Closeup on Beret Guy, facing right, offset to the left of the panel. Two characters speak from off-panel right.]
Beret Guy: Lastly, any luck getting the girl from The Ring to stop showing up in our video conferences?
Off-panel person 1: No, but honestly, she’s made some good contributions.
Off-panel person 2: Yeah, I think we should hire her.