March 23, 2018
#1971: Personal Data explain

[Cueball is talking to Ponytail and White Hat. Both of them are looking at Cueball.]
Cueball: Everyone keeps talking about “personal data.” To be honest, I don’t really know what it is.
Cueball: I mean, I understand the idea and know it’s a thing I should protect. But it’s so… abstract.
[Close-up on Ponytail.]
Ponytail: Yeah.
Ponytail: It’s like “the economy.” I don’t really know what the economy is, if we’re getting specific. I know stocks going up is good. For people who own stocks, at least.
Ponytail: Whatever “stocks” are.
[White Hat responds with his arms slightly out and palms open. Both Ponytail and Cueball are looking at him.]
White Hat: Yeah, or taxes. Everyone talks about taxes. What are they? Do I have to pay them? And to who?
Cueball: OK, wait, you definitely need to learn about that one.
Ponytail: Yeah, ideally sometime in the next few weeks.