March 2, 2018
#1962: Generations explain

“Generations” are arbitrary. They’re just labels we use to obliquely talk about cultural trends.
But since Pew Research has become the latest to weigh in, and everyone loves a good pointless argument over definitions…
xkcd presents
A Definitive Chronology of the Generations
1730-1747 The Founders
1748-1765 Generation ƒ
1766-1783 The Adequate Generation
1784-1801 Generation Æ
1802-1819 The generation we cut a lot of slack because they produced Lincoln
1820-1837 The Gilded Generation
1838-1855 The Second-Greatest Generation
1856-1873 Generation – • • –
1874-1891 The kids who died in the Gilded Generation’s factories and mines
1892-1909 Oops, one of us is Hitler
1910-1927 The Greatest Generation
1928-1945 The Silent Generation
1946-1963 Baby Boomers
1964-1981 Generation X
1982-1999 Millennials
2000-2017 Generation 💅 [nail polish emoji]
2018-2035 Zuckerberg’s army
2036-2053 The Hovering Ones
2054-2071 Spare Parts
2072-2089 More Gen-Xers somehow
2090-2107 The Paperclip Machines
2108-2125 The Mixed Bag (produced 4 Lincolns, 1 Napoleon and 2 Hitlers)
2126-2143 The Procedural Generation
2144-2161 Generation Ω
2360-2378 Star Trek: The Next Generation