December 19, 2018
#2087: Rocket Launch explain

[The major stages of a rocket launch are shown, with the rocket trajectory indicated by dotted lines. Each stage is annotated with a description and an arrow. A title above the image reads ‘Outline of a typical rocket launch’.]
[A rocket with two boosters is shown at the bottom left hand corner of the image taking off from a launch pad on the ground, surrounded by clouds of smoke.]
[The rocket ascends vertically]
Max-Q: Peak aerodynamic stress
[Separation of the two external booster rockets is shown, with the main rocket continuing to ascend vertically with a slight rightward tilt and the two boosters curving off to the right.]
Booster separation
[The main rocket stage starts to curve over to the right.]
Max-CB: Highest chance of collision with care bears
[Separation of the second rocket stage. Main rocket heads right, whilst second booster stage curves downward to meet trajectory of first booster stages.]
Main stage separation
[Main rocket continues towards the right.]
GPS silenced so it will stop saying “make a U-turn”
[First and second stage booster rocket trajectories meet and become a single trajectory heading upwards and right.]
[Trajectory of main rocket wobbles slightly.]
Pilot panics, copilot takes command after struggle
[Booster stage rockets continue to head upwards and right towards the main rocket trajectory.]
Pursuit phase
[Main rocket and booster stage trajectories meet and cross three times.]
Inter-stage dogfight
[The trajectory for one of the stages ends in an explosion.]
[The remaining trajectory, indicated with dashed-lines and question marks, continues towards the right and off the edge of the page.]
Winner proceeds to space