November 23, 2018
#2076: Horror Movies 2 explain

[White Hat and Cueball are walking, with Cueball holding his arms out in front of him.]
White Hat: So you don’t like any horror movies?
Cueball: Spooky stuff is neat but I hate jump scares and watching people get murdered. Why would you want to see that?
[Zoom in on the two.]
White Hat: It’s like roller coasters. People like experiencing powerful feelings in a safe, controlled setting.
Cueball: But why not good feelings?
[In a frame-less panel Cueball stops and turns towards White Hat.]
White Hat: We’ve always been into tragic stories. Romeo and Juliet, Titanic…
Cueball: See, that’s another thing I don’t get!
[Zoom out again as White Hat walks past Cueball who now hold his arms out to the side as he looks after White Hat.]
Cueball: I loved Titanic because Rose and Jack found each other and seemed so happy! I just hated the ending.
White Hat: I’ll be sure to give James Cameron and Shakespeare your feedback.