November 14, 2018
#2072: Evaluating Tech Things explain

[Megan and Cueball talking.]
Megan: Sooner or later, someone is going to fly a drone into a tornado and post the footage to YouTube.
[Zoom in on Cueball imagining a semicircular dial with a moving pointer currently fixed vertically in the mid value. The left-most value indicating his opinion to be “This raises big questions about technology and society” and the right-most being “Haha, cool!”]
[Panel with just Cueball and the imaginary dial above his head, the pointer having shifted a small amout to the right.]
[Same panel with Cueball, his right hand pensively on his chin, the pointer having shifted an equally small amount to the left of the mid value.]
[Panel with Cueball, Megan and the imaginary dial above, the pointer now all the way to the right.]
Cueball: Haha, cool!