October 29, 2018
#2065: Who Sends the First Text? explain

Who sends the first text more often?
[A line graph with a segmented bar underneath shows a 50/50 marker in the middle while the left end is labeled “I text first 100% of the time” whereas the right end is labeled “They text first 100% of the time”.]
[The bar below is divided into five sections:]
[A small part at the left, and a next, slightly larger part. The text below points to the second part:]
People who I think of as friends but secretly worry that they’re just politely putting up with me
[Below this a text is shown for the first part:]
…definitely just politely putting up with me
[In the middle is a big part:]
[To the right the parts are symmetric, the first is larger:]
That really nice friend who keeps inviting me to things even though I flake constantly
[The last small bar at the right:]
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