October 24, 2018
#2063: Carnot Cycle explain

[A cartesian plot in the first quadrant with axes labeled “P” on the vertical axis and “V” on the horizontal axis, with a rhombus-shaped set of four points with arrows between them.]
[Caption above the graph:]
The four stages of the
Carnot Cycle
[The first line starts at the top-left point and goes right and slightly downwards to the next point. The label is:]
1. Isometric Expansion
When heated, the gas becomes larger due to increasing volume
[The next line starts at the last point and goes downwards and a little to the right.]
2. Isotonic Expansion
The gas expands further due to dark energy while percent milkfat remains constant
[The next line starts at this last point and goes to the left and slightly upwards.]
3. Isopropyl Compression
While inflation is held constant, the gas contracts due to tightening interest rates
[The last line goes upwards and slightly to the left, returning to the first point.]
4. Decline and Fall
The gas diminishes and goes into the west while remaining Galadriel, completing the cycle