January 19, 2018
#1944: The End of the Rainbow explain

[Megan and Cueball are walking.]
Megan: There’s a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Cueball: Rainbows are circles. They have no end.
Megan: Not quite!
[In a borderless panel, a multi-part graphic is shown depicting what Megan is describing off-panel: a short cone inside a longer cone, with the longer cone having its point starting at the Sun, the shorter cone having its point at a miniature Cueball’s head, and both cones sharing the same circular base. The diagram is repeated from 3 different perspectives to make the structure easier to grasp.]
Megan (off-panel): A rainbow is light leaving the Sun, bouncing off the clouds, and converging on your eye. It’s an inside-out two-ended cone.
[Megan and Cueball are still walking.]
Megan: One end of that cone is your retina.
[A wider view of the same scene, with Megan and Cueball walking on a dark ground.]
Megan: The other end is the Sun—which contains quintillions of tons of gold. There’s more gold in the Sun than water in the oceans.
Cueball: So there is a pot of gold!
Cueball: What about leprechauns?
Megan: All incinerated as the sun formed. Very sad.