August 11, 2017
#1875: Computers vs Humans explain

[A laptop sits on a desk with office chair while Cueball is sitting with his back towards the desk in a sofa while he is reading from something in his hands, a book or a smartphone.]
Laptop: We computers finally beat you humans at Go.
Cueball: Yup.
Laptop: Sucks for you!
Cueball: Mm hmm.
[Same setting in a frameless panel.]
Laptop: What’s next? Which quintessentially human thing should we learn to do better than you?
Cueball: Being too cool to care about stuff.
[Same setting.]
Laptop: Okay, I’ll apply 10,000 years of CPU time to the initial—
Cueball: Sounds like you’ve already lost.
Laptop: Damn. This is hard.
Cueball: Is it? Never noticed.