July 28, 2017
#1869: Positive and Negative Reviews explain

[A picture with four small bottles and a larger one is shown. The text to the right reads:]
SmartQuench 9000
Sports Drink
20 oz 12-pack
[Below is a list with reviews; a picture for the user (avatar) and the name below, the rating (in stars) and the text to the right.]
—Customer reviews—
Amy 2015 (4 of 5 stars) Perfect after a run
Anon513 (5 of 5 stars) My favorite flavor
Merlin (1 of 5 stars) Drinking this made me thirstier
Mike63 (4 of 5 stars) Good price
B Button (1 of 5 stars) Drank 3 bottles on a hot day and got dehydrated!
[Caption below the frame:]
Physics tells us that negative reviews are really just positive reviews from people traveling backward in time.