April 5, 2017
#1820: Security Advice explain

[Cueball is listening to Ponytail who holds her hands out in front of her.]
Ponytail: We’ve been trying for decades to give people good security advice.
Ponytail: But in retrospect, lots of the tips actually made things worse.
[Cueball takes his hand to his chin as Ponytail takes her arms down.]
Cueball: Maybe we should try to give bad advice?
Ponytail: I guess it’s worth a shot.
[Below these two panel is one large and long panel with a long list with 13 tips. The underlined heading and the bracket below it are centered above the bullet list below.]
Security tips
(Print out this list and keep it in your bank safe deposit box.)
* Don’t click links to websites
* Use prime numbers in your password
* Change your password manager monthly
* Hold your breath while crossing the border
* Install a secure font
* Use a 2-factor smoke detector
* Change your maiden name regularly
* Put strange USB drives in a bag of rice overnight
* Use special characters like & and %
* Only read content published through tor.com
* Use a burner’s phone
* Get an SSL certificate and store it in a safe place
* If a border guard asks to examine your laptop, you have a legal right to challenge them to a chess game for your soul.