February 3, 2017
#1794: Fire explain

[The comic shows the top part of the front page of a folded newspaper. The main headline is the only readable with a photo covering half of the pages below. In the photo a factory is on fire, with sound waves emanating to all sides. There are several sections with unreadable text.]
50,000-Alarm Fire
at Alarm Factory
*Click to expand for a more detailed image description without any more text:
[The comic shows the top part of the front page of a folded newspaper. There are several sections with unreadable text above the main headline, where the papers name, date of issue and other daily info would be. Centered below the large two line heading of the cover story there is a photo covering half of the pages width. In the photo a white factory, with one large and one smaller building, is on fire, with sound waves emanating to all sides. Large flames are coming out the top of both buildings and above them heavy black smoke make the sky black. Where there is no smoke the sky is white. A small black building to the right has not yet caught fire. On either side of the picture there are a column and below the picture there are two more columns. All four continues to the bottom of the visible part of the paper and consist of more unreadable text. These columns constitute the main body of text of the cover story. The only readable text on the paper is the headline which is:]