December 27, 2017
#1934: Phone Security explain

[The content of a configuration screen on a smartphone is shown. All items listed are activated as indicated by green switches.]
Security Options
* Passcode to unlock (Set Code)
* Erase phone after ten failed unlock attempts
If stolen, phone can be remotely
* Tracked
* Erased
* Detonated
* If phone is stolen, erase data and play an earsplitting siren until the battery dies or is removed
If phone is stolen, do a fake factory reset. Then, in the background…
* …constantly request dozens of simultaneous rideshares to the phone’s location
* …automatically order food to phone’s location from every delivery place within 20 miles
* …if thief logs in to Facebook, send hostile messages to all their family members
* …automatically direct self-driving car to drive toward phone’s location at 5 mph
* …take photos of random objects at the thief’s address and post them as “free” on Craigslist and Nextdoor