December 18, 2017
#1930: Calendar Facts explain

-Calendar Facts-
[Shown below is a branching flow chart of sorts that begins at the phrase “Did you know that”, then flows through various paths to build up a sentence. (Note that the “→” arrow symbol is used below to indicate a new branch with no intermediate text from a previous branch.)]
Did you know that:
the ( Fall | Spring ) Equinox
the ( Winter | Summer ) ( Solstice | Olympics )
the ( Earliest | Latest ) ( Sunrise | Sunset )
Daylight ( Saving | Savings ) Time
Leap ( Day | Year )
the ( Harvest | Super | Blood ) Moon
Toyota Truck Month
Shark Week
happens ( earlier | later | at the wrong time ) every year
drifts out of sync with the
( Gregorian | Mayan | Lunar | iPhone ) Calendar
atomic clock in Colorado
might ( not happen | happen twice ) this year
because of
time zone legislation in ( Indiana | Arizona | Russia )
a decree by the pope in the 1500s
( precession | libration | nutation | libation | eccentricity | obliquity ) of the
Earth’s axis
prime meridian
( International Date | Mason-Dixon ) Line
magnetic field reversal
an arbitrary decision by ( Benjamin Franklin | Isaac Newton | FDR )
it causes a predictable increase in car accidents.
that’s why we have leap seconds.
scientists are really worried.
it was even more extreme during the
Bronze Age.
Ice Age.
there’s a proposal to fix it, but it
will never happen.
actually makes things worse.
is stalled in congress.
might be unconstitutional.
it’s getting worse and no one knows why.