November 22, 2017
#1919: Interstellar Asteroid explain

[Megan walks towards Cueball while looking at her phone. Cueball sits in front of his laptop.]
Megan: Hey, you know that asteroid that tumbled past from another star system? It’s apparently really long and skinny.
Megan: Like a ratio of 6:1 or 10:1.
Cueball: Weird. Wonder what it’s shaped like.
[Megan lowers her phone and looks up. Cueball looks backward.]
Megan: Without more data, it would be irresponsible to speculate further.
Cueball: So…you’re going to?
Megan: Absolutely.
[Frameless panel focusing on Megan.]
Megan: Here are some objects with a similar shape ratio:
Megan: The 1:4:9 monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Megan: A star destroyer.
Megan: A huge eggplant emoji.
[Same setting with Megan and Cueball.]
Megan: A statue of Weird Al. An iPhone XXXXX. Voltron.
Megan: A giant space coffin. But who could be inside? We can only guess. I’ll start:
Cueball: This is all based on how many data points, again?
Megan: One. But it’s a perfect fit!