August 8, 2016
#1717: Pyramid Honey explain

[Cueball and Megan are talking.]
Cueball: Apparently honey has an infinite shelf life. They just found jars of it in the pyramids, still good.
Megan: You know, I’ve heard that, and I don’t think it’s true.
[Black hat enters.]
Cueball: Really? Smithsonian magazine confirmed it.
Megan: Believe it or not, I think their source is wrong.
Black Hat: I believe you.
[Megan has turned to Black Hat raising her hands.]
Megan: See I read about the archaeologists who-
Black Hat: I’m convinced. Gonna go to tell the internet.
[Black Hat moved closer to Megan and Cueball.]
Megan: Wait, are you sure? Let me explain why I-
Black Hat: Don’t need it. I’ve heard enough.
[Zoom-in on Black Hat’s head.]
Black Hat: I’ve been looking for a weird hill to die on, and all the real ones are too far from my house.
Black Hat: So this is mine. I’m now a pyramid honey truther.
[Zoom back out. Black Hat starts walking left, pointing a finger up. Cueball and Megan turn to look after him.]
Black Hat: Time to start a Facebook group and post a bunch of all-caps comments everywhere.
Cueball: This could have gone better.
Megan: Oh well.