August 5, 2016
#1716: Time Travel Thesis explain

[Cueball is facing Megan, talking to her.]
Cueball: I’ve been reading about time travel.
Megan: Cool! I did my thesis on time travel!
[Cueball is now gesturing toward Megan. An electrical charge of some sort is shown occurring outside the panel in the bottom right corner behind Megan.]
Cueball: Nice! So you know about closed timelike curves?
Megan: Yup. Thesis.
Cueball: Apparently wormholes can use exotic matter to–
Megan: I know. Like I said–
Charge: Bzzzt!
[Megan has turned away from Cueball to the right. Megan from the future, wearing sunglasses, a headset and a machine strapped to her back has entered the frame from the right where the charge appeared.]
Future-Megan: You can skip this conversation. It doesn’t turn out to be important.
Megan: Oh, thank God.
[Cueball is standing alone, the two Megans have left the panel.]