August 10, 2016
#1718: Backups explain

[Cueball] is sitting in an office chair at his desk, working on his laptop.]
Cueball: Wait. My laptop is backing up some folders to this server…
[Cueball scratches his chin in thought.]
Cueball: …Which is backing up its archives to that server…
Cueball: …And that server is syncing certain folders over to my laptop…
[In a frame-less panel Cueball clicks on his laptop keyboard.]
Click click click
[Cueball is back to working normally on his laptop. A voice speaks to him from off-panel as indicated with a starburst at the right frame.]
Cueball: …But the exponential growth is slightly slower than Moore’s law, so whatever.
Off-panel voice: Oh my God.
Off-panel voice: You are why we can’t have nice things.