April 29, 2016
#1674: Adult explain

[Cueball is holding onto a shopping cart more than half filled with items looking quite similar. Above his head is a large thought bubble.]
Cueball (thinking): Haha, look at me grocery shopping! I’m such an adult.
[Cueball is standing, arms in his sides, in front of a sofa with a price tag. He is thinking again, this time the frame of the panel is the lower part of the thought bubble, as there is no frame around the text in the “bubble”.]
Cueball (thinking): Buying a sofa! Ooh, look how domestic I am!
[Cueball is sitting in an office chair. at a desk, leaning in over it while writing something. The desk is filled with office items, and on the opposite side of the desk sits a man with a wisp of hair in another office chair. Cueball is thinking again with the text in a large thought bubble above their heads.]
Cueball (thinking): Applying for a mortgage! As if I’m a real grown-up.
[Megan is reading out loud from a piece of paper, while standing in front of a long table, where Hairbun, Hairy, and White Hat are sitting. White hat sits at the end of the table in an office chair.]
Megan: …And I, being of sound mind and body, am totally writing a will right now!
Megan: Can you believe this?