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February 17, 2016

#1644: Stargazing


[[Three figures are gathered around a large computer console. Seated at the console is a figure with long hair tied in a ponytail, standing behind them are a figure with medium length dark hair and one with no distinguishing features.]]

Dark-haired figure: The gravitational wave detector works! For the first time, we can listen in on the signals carried by ripples in the fabric of space itself!

[[The view has panned out a bit, nothing has changed except more cables running from the back of the console leading offscreen are visible.]]

((The following text is implied to be visible on the screen of the console.))

Event: Black hole merger in Carina (30 solar masses, 30 solar masses)

Event: Zorlax the Mighty would like to connect on LinkedIn

Event: Black hole merger in Orion (20 solar masses, 50 solar masses)

Event: Mortgage offer from traingulum galaxy

Event: Zorlax the Mighty would like to connect on LinkedIn

Event: Meet lonely singles in the local group tonight!