February 11, 2016
#1642: Gravitational Waves explain

[Cueball, with arms up, is standing behind Megan who has her hands at her mouth, and who in turn is standing behind Ponytail, who is sitting in front of a large computer console with a screen, a keyboard, and several items on the side (presumably lights and labels). Three wires lead away from the console out of the image to the right.]
Megan: The gravitational wave detector works! For the first time, we can listen in on the signals carried by ripples in the fabric of space itself!
[Larger panel with the same setting in the middle, but both Cueball and Megan have taken their arms down. More of the wires from the console can be seen to the right. The computer lists six events:]
Computer: Event: Black hole merger in Carina (30 M☉, 30 M☉)
Computer: Event: Zorlax the Mighty would like to connect on Linkedin
Computer: Event: Black hole merger in Orion (20 M☉, 50 M☉)
Computer: Event: Mortgage offer from Triangulum Galaxy
Computer: Event: Zorlax the Mighty would like to connect on Linkedin
Computer: Event: Meet lonely singles in the local group tonight!