December 21, 2016
#1775: Things You Learn explain

[A simple X and Y graph, with the X labeled “how bad it is if you don’t know {thing}” and ranging from “not bad” to “very bad”, and Y labeled “how easy it is to grow up without learning {thing}” and ranging from “easy” to “hard” from top to bottom.]
[Points on graph from top to bottom on the left side of the Y-axis:]
100 digits of pi
Lyrics to We Didn’t Start the Fire
How to ride a bike
How to escape movie quicksand
Lyrics to 12 Days of Christmas
TV theme songs
[Points on graph from top to bottom on the right side of the Y-axis:]
That cat bites are really serious and if bitten you should wash the bite and call a doctor immediately
Red flags for an abusive relationship
Signs for a stroke
Cough into your elbow, not your hand
That you have to empty the dryer lint trap
Stop, drop, and roll
That you have to pay taxes