December 2, 2016
#1767: US State Names explain

[A political map of the United States is shown. The title reads:]
Geography challenge:
Name all 50 states
[The state names in red text color are:]
Alabama => Bandana
Alaska => Alberta
Arizona => Verizona
Arkansas => Arkanoids
California => Cafeteria
Colorado => Colocated
Connecticut => Connect Four
Delaware => Delorean
District of Columbia => District of Colubrids
Florida => Fyoridor
Georgia => George
Hawaii => Kawaii
Idaho => Idolatry
Illinois => SK8RBOIS
Indiana => That Other One
Iowa => Iota
Kansas => Candice
Kentucky => Kennedy
Louisiana => Loisa
Maine => Spanish Maine
Maryland => Maybelline
Massachusetts => Masseuses
Michigan => Mishy
Minnesota => Minestrone
Mississippi => Misstate
Missouri => Mossouri
Montana => mount -a
Nebraska => Nebrunswick
Nevada => Fallout New Vegas
New Hampshire => New Hamper
New Jersey => Nude Juggalos
New Mexico => Namaste
New York => Newark
North Carolina => Sweet Caroline
South Carolina => South Caroline
Ohio => Oh Hi
Oklahoma => Okay
Oregon => Organs
Pennsylvania => Pencilmania
Rhode Island => Roald Dahl
South Dakota => Dakota
North Dakota => More Dakota
Tennessee => Thennessy
Texas => Hexxus
Utah => Uhaul
Vermont => Vermouth
Virginia => Virjayjay
Washington => Willwheaton
West Virginia => Wyvern
Wisconsin => Wainscot
Wyoming => WYSIWYG