December 14, 2016
#1772: Startup Opportunity explain

[Ponytail, White Hat, Beret Guy, Hairy, Hairbun, and Cueball are sitting around a table in a meeting. Ponytail and Cueball at the ends, where they can be seen to be sitting in office chairs. The other four sits along the long side of the table facing outwards.]
White Hat: We’ve discovered that your company doesn’t do anything.
Beret Guy: How is that possible?! We have so many chairs!
[Close up on White Hat and Beret Guy.]
White Hat: You need to find an industry to disrupt.
Beret Guy: An…industry?
Beret Guy: Oh, yeah!
Beret Guy: The zoning thing from SimCity!
[Same setting.]
White Hat: No, like, a kind of business.
Beret Guy: How do I find those?
White Hat: I don’t know. What’s something you spend a lot of money on?
[Zoom in on Beret Guy alone. Beat panel.]
[Zoom out so those on the long side of the table can be seen, White Hat, Beret Guy, Hairy, and Hairbun. At left and right, respectively, parts of Ponytail’s and Cueball’s arms and lower bodies can be seen.]
Beret Guy: You know those mysterious shops that sell you magical items, and then it turns out they’re cursed, but when you go back later there’s no sign the shop was ever there?
Beret Guy: I get most of my stuff from those.
Beret Guy: Like groceries.
[Closeup of Hairy, Hairbun, and Cueball. Hairbun has turned towards them, Haribun has taken her arms up on the table and Cueball has his hand on his chin.]
Hairy: We should go.
Hairbun: Wait. High-value sales, no regulation, and when customers try to complain, they can’t find you…
Cueball: Maybe this is the perfect startup.