October 26, 2016
#1751: Movie Folder explain

[Black Hat is sitting in an armchair, with the right arm on the armrest and looking at his smartphone held in his left hand, when a voice from behind him (off-panel left) addresses him. It turns out in the next panels that it is Cueball.]
Cueball (off-panel): Your movie folder is so weird. Where do you find all this stuff?
Black Hat: Dunno.
Black Hat: Around.
[In an frame-less panel Cueball is seen sitting in an office chair at a desk facing left. He is looking at Black Hat’s computer while typing on the keyboard which is on a shelf lower than the regular desk surface. Black Hat replies to his queries from behind him off-panel right.]
Cueball: Lorem Ipsum: The Movie?
Cueball: Titanic XCVIII?
Black Hat (off-panel): That series gets good when they start hitting the reef created by all the previous wrecks.
[Cueball leans in closer to the screen.]
Cueball: Debbie Did 9/11?
Cueball: Time Jam: A Connecticut Huskie on King Arthur’s Court?
Black Hat (off-panel): Really underrated Space Jam sequel.
[Zoom in on the scene so nothing beneath the keyboard is visible. The screen and Cueball’s head almost spans the width of the panel.]
Cueball: Harold and Kumar Go to Howl’s Moving Castle?
Cueball: A Million Random Digits with 100,000 Normal Deviates?
Black Hat (off-panel): That’s the original-the book was a novelization.
[Back to Black Hat sitting in the chair as in the first panel, but leaning a bit further back and the arm on the armrest has been moved closer to him.]
Cueball (off-panel): Michael Bay’s The Vagina Monologues!?
Black Hat: It’s pretty good, despite all the CGI explosions.