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January 22, 2016

#1633: Possible Undiscovered Planets explain

Possible Undiscovered Planets

[Caption above the chart.]

Possible Undiscovered Planets

in our Solar System

By size and distance (from me)

[A chart of possible undiscovered planets with a log-log plot, with the objects diameter on the y-axis and the distance from “me” (Randall) on the X-axis. Both axes are labeled and have several ticks most of which also have labels. A region to the right, with possible new planets including Planet 9 with a “?”, is shaded light red, and a small rectangle at the top left with the same color tells what this color means. The region, of undiscovered dwarf planets, is shaded pink, also to indicate that here may be more of these, but the lighter color indicate that these will not be new “planets”. The eight known planets are marked with a black dot, and also this is explained with a dot under the colored rectangle. The Moon is indicated with a similar dot, but in gray, and the name is in brackets. The chart itself is divided into several labeled regions, the smallest with the label outside and an arrow pointing in. In one case a label breaks a border, and in two regions there are more labels, although these clearly belong to different regions within these regions, with different sizes and/or distances.]

[Y-axis, with a label written to the left, from bottom and up, with an arrow pointing up, and 15 ticks with a label each:]


1 mm

1 cm

10 cm

1 m

10 m

100 m

1 km

10 km

100 km

1,000 km

10,000 km

100,000 km

106 km

107 km

1 AU

[X-axis, with a label written below, with an arrow pointing right, and 17 ticks but only 11 labels as the ticks at 100 km, between 1000 and 106 km, 107 km as well as 10 and 1000 AU is not labeled:]

Distance from me

10 cm

1 m

10 m

100 m

1 km

10 km

1000 km

106 km

1 AU

100 AU

10,000 AU

[At the top left of the chart is the light-red rectangle and the black dot labeled:]

Possible undiscovered planets

Known planets

[Going down and anti-clockwise from these two labels, the rest of the chart is transcribed:]

Planets ruled out because I would be inside them


Planets ruled out because I would have noticed them above my house

Planets ruled out because they wouldn’t fit through my door

Birds that got into my house

Skin flora


(Not planets)

Giant bugs

Planets which are actually birds


(Fool’s planets’)

Space junk

Comets and asteroids

Oort cloud


Stuff we can see through telescopes

Planets we can see at night


Dwarf planets

Planet Nine?


Planets ruled out by the WISE survey

Planets ruled out because we would see them during the day