January 1, 2016
#1624: 2016 explain

[Cueball comes crashing through the ceiling suspended by a rope attached to a triangular contraption around his body. White Hat lies in his bed and appears to have been awoken by the noise, starting to sit up. At first glance it looks like Hairy, but White Hat’s white hat can be seen hung on the back of the bed; he apparently doesn’t sleep with it on.]
Cueball: Want to feel old?
Cueball: ** Night at the Museum, Cars, Hips Don’t Lie, ** and the Wii all turn 10 this year.
Cueball: ** Twister, Independence Day, The Rock, Pokémon, ** and ** Wonderwall ** all turn 20.
Cueball: And-
White Hat: Oh my God, couldn’t you at ** least ** have waited until morning?
Cueball: It’s been 2016 for hours! ** Time is passing! **
White Hat: I am acutely aware.