September 28, 2015
#1583: NASA Press Conference explain

[Cueball is standing behind a lectern with the NASA logo on it.]
Cueball: That concludes the press conference. Any questions?
Cueball: Yes, you, from… it just says “The News”?
[Beret Guy is standing in a crowd holding a microphone.]
Beret Guy: Hi! I have a microphone so I’m real loud now.
Beret Guy: How does this Mars data compare to data from other fields? Like medicine? Or sports?
Cueball (offscreen): That question makes no sense.
Beret Guy: If there’s water on Mars, is it ruined?
Beret Guy: Or will it be okay when it dries out?
Cueball (offscreen): Any other questions?
[The shot zooms out, showing that Cueball and the lectern is standing on a podium and also the crowd comes in to view.]
Beret Guy: What were those guys hassling Luke in the Mos Eisley Cantina trying to accomplish? I felt like I was supposed to understand that.
Cueball: Anyone else?
Ponytail: That’s now my question, too.
Megan: Were they just picking a fight?
Ponytail: If so, why did…