August 3, 2015
#1559: Driving explain

[Black Hat, carrying a rock, is walking toward Cueball, leaving a trail of sand.]
Black Hat: Would you guess this weighs as much as a small adult?
Cueball: What?
Cueball: Uh, probably.
[Black Hat walks past Cueball who turns to look after him.]
Black Hat: Great!
[Black Hat has walked out of the frame. Cueball is looking in the direction he left in. Several noises and voices are coming from off-panel.]
Off-panel: *Thump*
Car voice (off-panel): Please fasten your seatbelt.
Off-panel: *click*
Black Hat (off-panel): Take me to Anchorage, Alaska.
Car voice (off-panel): Navigating.
Off-panel: *slam*
[Black Hat walks back in the panel towards Cueball.]
Car driving off: Vrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Black Hat: I love self-driving cars.
Cueball: …Whose car was that?
Black Hat: Dunno, but they shouldn’t have left it running.