June 12, 2015
#1537: Types explain

[Caption above the black part of the comic:]
My new language is great, but it
has a few quirks regarding type:
[The rest of the comic is written in a black rectangle. All text to the left of “>” is written in gray. Text to the right of the “>” on the lines with numbers are in white, and then gray text on the other lines. There seems to be a missing “>” after line no. 3.]
[1]> 2+“2”
=> “4”
[2]> “2”+[]
=> “[2]”
[3] (2/0)
= > NaN
[4]> (2/0)+2
= > NaP
[5]> "" + ""
= > ’ “+” '
[6]> [1,2,3]+2
= > False
[7]> [1,2,3]+4
= > True
[8]> 2/(2-(3/2+1/2))
= > NaN.000000000000013
[9]> Range(" ")
= > (’ " ‘,"! “,” “,”!",’ " ‘)
[10]> + 2
= > 12
[11]> 2+2
= > Done
[14]> Range(1,5)
= > (1,4,3,4,5)
[13]> Floor(10.5)
= > |
= > |
= > |
= > |_ _ _10.5_ _ _