May 4, 2015
#1520: Degree-Off explain

[Hairy is acting as the host of a TV talk show, Degree-Off holding a microphone up. Cueball, Hairbun, and Megan are acting as representatives of physics, biology, and chemistry, respectively. They each stand behind their own lectern with the respective subject label.]
Hairy: Welcome to the Degree-Off, where we determine which field is the best! Physics, wanna go first?
Cueball (Phys): Sure! I’d like to tell the story of Richard Feynman’s Manhattan project lockpicking pranks…
Labels: Phys Bio Chem
[Zoom in so Megan is no longer visible. Cueball lifts his hand]
Cueball (Phys): …and as he said, “all science is either physics or stamp collecting.”
Cueball (Phys): Thank you.
Hairy: Great! Bio, you wanna go next?
Hairbun: Okay.
Labels: Phys Bio
[Zoom in on Hairbun so only she and her lectern are shown. A graph is shown above her. There is a label for the y-axis to the left of the axis which has four ticks with numbers. The x-axis is a timeline without ticks but three years indicating the start center and end of the axis. The graph shows a curve falling off, with one great spike up around 1920.]
Y-axis label: Per 100,000
X-axis: 1900 1950 2000
Hairbun (Bio): This is a graph of the death rate from infectious disease in this country.
Labels: Bio
[Zoom back to original scene with Hairy holding the microphone down and Hairbun raising her left hand, while Cueball looks at her.]
Hairbun (Bio): The heroes of my field have slain one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse.
Labels: Phys Bio Chem
[Zoom in on only Cueball and Hairbun who is pointing aggressively at Cueball who leans away from her one hand on his lectern for support.]
Hairbun (Bio): While the heroes of your field gathered in the desert to create a new one.
Labels: Phys Bio
[Zoom back to previous scene all are holding their hands down.]
Cueball (Phys): …Jeez, what the hell? I thought this was supposed to be fun and lighthearted!
Hairbun (Bio): You must have been thinking of stamp collecting.
Labels: Phys Bio Chem